Together Growing in Faith
As the school year winds down and the summer lights up, our Kids In Divine Service get together for food, fun and fellowship on one Friday in each of the summer months. Older siblings and adults are welcome to participate, too.  This is just FREE fun in fellowship;  however, we do need an RSVP for these events for supplies and food prep.  Please email, type TGIF in the subject line and include contact info and  number of persons attending in the body of the email.  Here are the details of what we have planned this summer:


 Lego Night – May 31, 2024
(Carrying God’s Light)
5:30 – 7:30 P.M.  Our KIDS will meet in the KIDS wing for Lego (and friendship) building. We will have pizza and snack foods while we create with Legos and discuss ways to carry God’s light to others.  Legos will be provided.  
  Movie Night – June 21, 2024
(Sharing God’s Light)
5:30 – 7:30 P.M.  Popcorn, snacks and drinks will be served.   We will have a movie night in the KIDS’ wing and discuss how much fun sharing Jesus’ light is.   RSVP for set-up, supplies and adequate seating.   Invite a friend or two or three…


 Paint Night  – July 12, 2024

(Finding God’s Light)
5:30 pm – 7:30 pm in the KIDS Craft Café on the second floor.  We will paint, eat and discuss how God’s light is a beacon that leads us to Him.  We have to find His light to light our lamps so we can carry it out into the world.   


AIM Summer Service

Our Kids In Divine Service (KIDS) volunteer at AIM over the summer to help in their food pantry. 

We will meet at the church at 9:45 AM to bus over to AIM and serve until 12. 

Families, youth and children are invited to join us in service together.   

2024 dates are June 3rd & 17th and July 8th.