There are ways to reach beyond our community to serve even if we cannot physically go there. Here are some opportunities to serve:
Costa Rica Mission Trip: At this time, this opportunity is on hold indefinitely. You may click this link for more details about it Costa Rica Mission Trip but if you are interested in participating on a mission trip, UMVIM (United Methodist Volunteers in Mission) offers ways to serve in that way.
Kairos Prison Ministry: The Kairos Prison Ministry is threefold. It seeks to change hearts, transform lives, and impact the world. Our members make cards, placemats, cookies, etc., for the weekend retreats. Financial help is also need to make these retreats possible.
Pumpkin Patch:While we offer a pumpkin patch on our church grounds, it reaches far beyond our church and community. Click on this link for more info. Pumpkin Patch
Samaritan’s Purse – Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Ministry: In October and November members provide items for and assemble shoeboxes for children which are distributed around the world at Christmas time.
UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief): This is a ministry of the United Methodist Church that respond immediately with funds and supplies to disaster-struck areas.
UMVIM (United Methodist Volunteers in Mission): Some of our members have participated on UMVIM mission trips in South Carolina and the U.S. after various hurricanes. Members are trained by the conference for these trips and offer ERT (Emergency Response Training).